A Conversation about the Glory days of America’s Chicest store and the Little-known man who Started it All

April 24 2025, 5:00 pm
311 Peruvian Avenue
Palm Beach
Members Only
Tim Allis

Tim Allis, author of Henri Bendel and the Worlds He Fashioned, and Robert Rufino, former Bendel’s visual director, in conversation about the glory days of America’s chicest store and the little-known man who started it all.

Tim Allis was a senior editor at InStyle for twelve years. Prior to that he was a staff writer at magazine (Dallas) and People. He has contributed articles to OutMen’s HealthTime Out New YorkSaveurCNN.com, and Playbill.com, among others. A dedicated theater-goer, he periodically dabbles in playwriting. As Henri Bendel did, he calls both Lafayette, Louisiana, and New York City home.

Doors open 5pm | Lecture begins at 5:30 PM

Tim Allis
Robert Rufino